AiD047: Revealing Cochno


16 September 2015

In which we attend a test excavation at the Cochno Stone, the largest example of prehistoric rock art in Scotland, which has lain buried beneath the earth for over 50 years (40 mins, 28MB).

Visit May’s website: The Devil’s Plantation

Visit Kenny’s website: The Urban Prehistorian

Visit Ferdinand’s website: Factum Arte

3 Replies to “AiD047: Revealing Cochno”

  1. Liz Murray

    I really enjoyed Revealing Cochno. It’s Grahame Gardener giving us a fabulous podcast with true native Glaswegian style. There’s the fascinating history of the Cochno stone in north Glasgow and the current unfolding events linking the ancient past and the recent past of the 1960’s and much more including brilliant social comment from those interviewed. For me, having listened to most of the excellent and very varied Adventures in Dowsing podcasts, Revealing Cochno is an unusual and exceptional podcast.

  2. May Miles Thomas

    Just to say thanks for this great podcast – nothing to do with me appearing in it, honest. What was interesting was the difference of opinion over whether the Stone, if excavated, should be reburied properly or left in the open, though I suppose that would negate the whole purpose of Factum Arte’s replica. That we should be so lucky to have to make the decision because it hinges on permissions and enough funding to carry out the work. What I found so moving about the test dig was the number of local people who came along and expressed an interest. I’m sure we’ll have their support should the work go ahead, hopefully in summer 2016.

    • Grahame

      Absolutely, May – I was equally impressed by the knowledge of the locals about locations of the stones and the history of the area. I think even a replica of the stone, if situated either on top of the original or nearby, would be a great attraction.
      Having just returned from Orkney where there is a fair bit of 19th C. graffiti on stones at various sites, I’m still in favour of re-burying it with the replica on top myself. But mostly I’m just glad to be contributing to the project in my own small way. 🙂

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